Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Standing out from the competition. 5 Tips you can implement right now.

As business owners and entrepreneurs, we wear different hats every day. And as business owners, we probably struggle with how to get more clients or customers to engage with us. Below are 5 tips that I have used in my business that work and I wanted to share them with you.
They are all deceptively simple and quite effective at the same time.
So here it goes.

1. Narrow the Focus - you are not for everyone. Unless you are the only vendor selling water in the middle of the Sahara desert, your focus should be razor sharp. The more you can specialize in serving a specific customer niche, the more you can focus on developing your products or services that uniquely benefit that particular customer.

2. Become an Authority -  When you narrow the focus on what you are good at, you will attract the clients looking for you to solve their problem. Everyone wants an expert by their side. Become one and share your knowledge freely. Share insider info, give expert advice about your industry and people will gravitate and look to you for advice and then eventually hire you or buy your product down the line.

3. Stay Human -  If there is one thing that can ruin a customer or client experience is an issue that goes unresolved and a reluctance on the owner's part to rectifying it. When you make a mistake, admit it and make it right. It shows integrity and your customers will become more loyal because of it.

4. Get Clear on your Values - Customers love clarity. What do you value? Let those qualities seep into your brand and act as an extension of your character. Of your persona. If you believe in protecting the environment and creating the most beautiful purse or bag by using only sustainable materials, then, by all means, focus on that. People respect companies that stand up for something. Most companies are afraid to take a stance for fear of alienating customers.

5. Be Authentic and tell a Great Story -  If you read my bio on my website,  I write about where I was born, what I value, what I love and what drives me. If you read my previous blogs, I try to say it as it is and be as authentic as possible. Having a great story to share makes it easier for people to relate and appreciate. Don't we all love the garage story?  Steve Jobs,  Hewlett, and Packard. The dorm room at Harvard or Stanford. The college dropout. It gives immense value to your brand and humanizes it and makes it relatable.

What you can do right now. 
Have a look at your website, read over the copy again. Look at the images, the photography. What feelings do they evoke? Are they in alignment with your vision today? Your values? Your design sensibilities? Does your message work in unison with your Facebook posts and Instagram stories. Is it seamless, organic or is it completely disconnected? Remember, consistency, clarity in messaging and a narrow focus are the cornerstones of every successful venture.

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