Wednesday, September 20, 2017

"It's not personal, it's strictly business." Yeah, right.

My favorite movie of all time is The Godfather, shot in 1972.
Can you believe it's been 45 years?!
You combine Coppola and quite possibly the most talented ensemble of actors ever cast in a movie and you get a timeless classic if there ever was one. In one memorable scene Michael Corleone, played by a young Al Pacino, is trying to make his case to go after the police and he utters the words, "it's not personal, it's strictly business."
Ya, think?
It's like saying "it's not you, it's me." In business, it's always personal.
Allow me to explain.
If you are a business owner or entrepreneur,  whether you are selling fruit on a fruit stand, or luxury real estate from a fancy office you must always remember one thing. People always buy from people they like. People buy from people, not companies.  I don't know about you but I will go out of my way to buy a certain item from someone because I enjoy doing business with them.
To this day, the biggest client I ever had the pleasure of working for, was someone who never saw my website, never saw any of our work, but believed in me, in my vision and liked what I had to say. At some point right before signing anything, he asked me if I had a website. A verification of sorts. It reminded me of Ronald Reagan when he used to say, "trust but verify."
In business, everything is about relationships, but don't forget you must talk the talk but also walk the walk. (I apologize for all the cliches.)
Don't just put up a website or social media post that is devoid of any human personality or emotion. Inject passion and professional opinion and tell it how it is through your eyes. People don't like to read regurgitated material. I am sure you have a great product or service, but so does the guy next door. Show people how much love and passion goes into what you do. Have a voice, be different, be bold and have fun. It really shows when people love what they do. And when you love what you do, you create magic, just like Mr Coppola. I would shy away from making threats against the police though, even if that's your thing.

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