Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Starting a new business in the New Year? The right branding could land your company on the FORBES list. Or not.

Quick, name the most valuable brand in the world right now?
If you answered Apple, you would be correct. (According to the Forbes list, compiled in November 2014, the Cupertino company is valued at $124.2 billion, with Microsoft a distant second. Coca Cola came in fourth after Google).

Surprising? Probably not. People love good design and great products. And people relate to simplicity in design. And it seems more and more people are increasingly buying fewer and better quality things. Yes Mr Rams you were correct in more ways than one - Weniger, aber besser. Less but better.

So what has this got to do with branding your new business and giving it a fighting chance?

Well let's look at the methodology Forbes uses to determine the value.

This is what Kurt Badenhausen, a Forbes staff member writes:
"We look at the financial numbers and the most valuable brands are the ones that generate massive earnings in industries where branding plays a major role."

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own company on the Forbes most valuable brands list?
Of course it would be!

All of us branding professionals can talk about logos and branding all day long. We live it, breathe it and scrutinize it everyday.

What is branding and what is a logo?

Logo is short for logotype - which essentially is a graphic representation of a brand. It represents the collection of experiences one has when engaging with the brand.
"A logo is the point of entry to the brand," said Milton Glaser, one of the most prolific graphic designers of our time. Indeed, a great logo is certainly a great start.

A brand identity, or branding, represents the different elements that support that graphic representation. From the uniforms worn in the store, (or not) to the music played while you are on hold, to the packaging - all elements, play a vital role in differentiation and adding or (deducting) value from a brand.

Now let's look at the logotypes of the top 4 companies on the Forbes list.

Notice anything? As we go up in value, the logo becomes simpler. Coincidence? Maybe. But it is undeniable how when you compare all these, the simplest one stands out. Our brain seeks the easiest and simplest visual first. Keep that in mind, when you are thinking about developing a logo for your new company. Don't complicate it. Keep it short and simple.

Align yourself with a designer that understands your vision, your goals and where you want to take your company or brand. Don't choose them just because they are the cheapest or the most expensive. Choose someone who shares your enthusiasm and passion for your product or service. 

Case in point. Look at the original Apple logo designed in 1976.  Do you think the designer was inline with Steve Jobs' vision? I would guess not. As many a successful entrepreneur, a mistake was made, a lesson was quickly learned and the logo discarded in favor of a simpler form.

But I do like it for an apple orchard  (Add emoji here).

Never underestimate the power of your visual communication with your customers. Design it and they will come. Or at least they will take a peek in the window. Or click on that online ad. And sometimes that's all it takes for a new business to grow into something huge. Like growing it into the most valuable apple orchard in the world. (Add another emoji here).

I am not sure about you, but when I travel to places I have never been,  I am always drawn to stores that bear simple and elegant logotypes found on their awnings or store windows. Why?
Because I know if they took the time to invest in a beautiful logo and identity, they probably took the time in creating beautiful products as well. 

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